WestSide Story

WestSide Story

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

West Side Story-Gym Mambo

1 comment:

  1. This video is about the two gangs going to the dance at the gym and this is the first time where Tony and Maria meet. The music for this song was created by Leonard Bernstein and the lyrics were by Stephen Sondheim. At the start the Americans are dancing and as soon as the Puerto Ricans turn up there is a atmosphere in the room because there is complete silence. When they arrive you can tell who Maria is because she is wearing a pure, white dress and she stands out for everyone. When they walk on to the dance floor they are in competition with each other and they show off their dance moves so it is a bit like a dance off, because the two gangs are to interested with competition with each other they don't notice that Tony and Maria like each other until they start dancing together then it turns into war. Tony and Maria haven't felt like this before they have fallen deeply in love with one another. The music is a bit like Salsa music because it is at a fast pace and its really catchy.
